No matter whether you want to lose weight successfully or simply eat healthier – a simple saliva sample can provide the answers you’ve been looking for! Learn more about the influence of your genes on your physical well-being, your weight and your body’s treatment of various pollutants in the detox process. Benefit from specific recommendations to optimise your health and reach your feel-good weight. Our goal with MY Healthy Life is to provide you with scientific insights into your genetics – insights that are communicated in a way that makes them easy to understand and even easier to implement in your daily life. This way, you will no longer have to worry about finding the optimal diet, fitness routine and preventive healthcare from trial-and-error – you will have the best strategies precisely laid out for you, so you can focus on implementing these new tools instead.
Scope of analysis:
- Analysis of >50 genetic variations and their impact on more than 20 digestive disorders
- Assessment of >900 food ingredients with regards to their influence on your weight and long term health
- Determination of your individual need for over 20 essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements
- Instructions for your optimal fitness routine
- Assessment of the impact of oxidative stress on your health
- Personalized recommendations for supporting the detoxification process, slowing down the aging process and supporting the natural stress resilience of your body
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