Get to know your genes and feel great in those jeans!

Since each and everyone of us carries a unique set of genes, some people naturally absorb a relatively large amount of fat from foods while a few lucky ones only absorb the necessary amount. A similar situation occurs with carbs – some of us are genetically predisposed to gain weight very easily (seemingly only from looking at pastries) while others appear to be completely insensitive to carbs. Looking at our genetic make-up, it’s crystal clear that no single diet could ever work for each and everyone of us – simply because we all react differently to macronutrients like fats, carbs and proteins. Genetics also have a decisive influence on the specific types of sports that are most effective in burning those calories, as some of us are better suited to endurance sports while others burn more calories from weight lifting.

With MY Weight you are receiving a unique weight loss programme, tailor-made for your specific genetic needs. Find out which diet and exercise regime will yield the greatest results and avoid the frustrations of traditional “one size fits all” approaches.

You are unique. So should be your weight loss approach.

3 reasons for MY Weight

#1 Discover your optimal diet

Some people lose weight very quickly by consuming less carbohydrates, while others should consume less protein. Use the knowledge of your genetic traits to achieve your weight loss goals even faster.

#2 Develop an effective fitness routine

Genetics affect how easily we burn calories during exercise or whether calorie reduction might be more effective. Your genes also have an important influence on the specific types of sports (e.g. endurance or strength) that are most effective for burning calories. Find the optimal exercise programme for your body!


Based on the information obtained from your genetics, we prepare the optimal diet plan for your specific needs, as studies have shown genetically optimised programmes result in 2.4x better weight loss results.

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Verlinkt zur Produktseite MY Weight

3 reasons for MY Weight

#1 Discover your optimal diet

Some people lose weight very quickly by consuming less carbohydrates, while others should consume less protein. Use the knowledge of your genetic traits to achieve your weight loss goals even faster.

#2 Develop an effective fitness routine

Genetics affect how easily we burn calories during exercise or whether calorie reduction might be more effective. Your genes also have an important influence on the specific types of sports (e.g. endurance or strength) that are most effective for burning calories. Find the optimal exercise programme for your body!


Based on the information obtained from your genetics, we prepare the optimal diet plan for your specific needs, as studies have shown genetically optimised programmes result in 2.4x better weight loss results.

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3 Gründe für MY Weight:


Manche Menschen verlieren durch geringeren Kohlenhydrat-Konsum sehr schnell an Gewicht, während andere weniger Proteine zu sich nehmen sollten. Nutzen Sie das Wissen über Ihre angeborenen Eigenschaften, um Ihre Ziele schneller zu erreichen. 

#2 Effektives Sportprogramm finden

Die Genetik beeinflusst wie leicht Sie bei sportlicher Aktivität Kalorien verbrennen. Auch darauf, bei welcher Sportart (z.B. Ausdauer oder Kraft) Sie am meisten Kalorien verbrennen haben Ihre Gene einen wichtigen Einfluss. Finden Sie das optimale Sportprogramm für Ihren Körper!

#3 Höhere Abnehmerfolge erzielen

Aufgrund der durch die Humangenetik gewonnenen Informationen lässt sich der optimale Diätplan zusammenstellen, der unserer Studie zufolge im Durchschnitt zu einem 2,44-mal höherem Abnehm-Erfolg führt.

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Verlinkt zur Produktseite MY Weight

3 Gründe für MY Weight


Manche Menschen verlieren durch geringeren Kohlenhydrat-Konsum sehr schnell an Gewicht, während andere weniger Proteine zu sich nehmen sollten. Nutzen Sie das Wissen über Ihre angeborenen Eigenschaften, um Ihre Ziele schneller zu erreichen. 

#2 Effektives Sportprogramm finden

Die Genetik beeinflusst wie leicht Sie bei sportlicher Aktivität Kalorien verbrennen. Auch darauf, bei welcher Sportart (z.B. Ausdauer oder Kraft) Sie am meisten Kalorien verbrennen haben Ihre Gene einen wichtigen Einfluss. Finden Sie das optimale Sportprogramm für Ihren Körper!

#3 Höhere Abnehmerfolge Erzielen

Aufgrund der durch die Humangenetik gewonnenen Informationen lässt sich der optimale Diätplan zusammenstellen, der unserer Studie zufolge im Durchschnitt zu einem 2,44-mal höherem Abnehm-Erfolg führt.

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3 reasons for MY Weight:

#1 Discover your optimal diet

Some people lose weight very quickly by consuming less carbohydrates, while others should consume less protein. Use the knowledge of your genetic traits to achieve your weight loss goals even faster.

#2 Develop an effective fitness routine

Genetics affect how easily we burn calories during exercise or whether calorie reduction might be more effective. Your genes also have an important influence on the specific types of sports (e.g. endurance or strength) that are most effective for burning calories. Find the optimal exercise programme for your body!


Based on the information obtained from your genetics, we prepare the optimal diet plan for your specific needs, as studies have shown genetically optimised programmes result in 2.4x better weight loss results.


Choose between the standalone DNA test MY Weight or the attractive combination of MY Weight and MY Daily Dose Weight Loss – a personalised mix of fat and carbohydrate blockers to reach your goals even faster.

DNA Test
MY Weight
Analysis of all relevant genes
Determination of genetic traits
Assessment of 900 food items according to their impact on your bodyweight
Development of your personal exercise routine for weight loss
30 personalised menu plans
Personalised cookbook incl. over 100 recipes optimised for your genetics (SPECIAL OFFER - only contained in *this* product!)
Order now
3 in 1 Offer
MY Healthy Life
All chapters of the MY Weight Analysis
Assessment of 900 food items according to their impact on your long term health
Determination of your individual need for up to 21 important vitamins , minerals and trace elements for health
Personalised cookbook incl. over 100 recipes optimised for your genetics
More valuable insights into your body’s detoxification ability, aging process and stress resilience
order now
DNA Test + Supplements
MY Weight + MY Daily Dose Weight Loss
All elements of MY Weight
Personalised supplements to assist you in your weight loss process by partially blocking consumed fats and carbs from food intake
3 months supply
order now

Secure online shopping: DNA for ME complies with the security standards of the credit card industry (PCI DSS).

Science based insights for optimal results

Depending on the chosen DNA test, up to 200 genetic variations will be analyzed – all of which have been extensively researched and are well documented. To be included in our programmes each gene variant must be studied and verified by at least three independent and peer reviewed studies that are published in well accredited academic journals. Find out more about our scientific references in our bibliography!

All DNA for ME analyses are carried out by our ISO-certified partner laboratory right here in Austria. The entire laboratory staff has many years of experience in human genetics and the lab meets the mandatory requirements of the Austrian genetic engineering commission as well as the voluntary ISO quality management system. The lab is certified to conduct medical genetic analyses – which is the highest standard of accreditation in the field of genomics.

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