Step 1
Take a look at our extensive product portfolio and choose the right solution for your needs. Our team of product experts will happily assist you in the process and answer any questions you may have.
Find your DNA test

Step 2
Have some coffee, watch some Netflix and wait for your personal test kit to arrive at your doorstep. This may take up to 7 days from your initial order.
Step 3
Open your test kit and follow the instructions inside. Pay special attention when completing the customer form – this is where you’ll be telling us a little more about yourself so we can make sure to consider any lifestyle related factors when preparing your recommendations. Also don’t forget to sign the customer consent form as this is ciritical to running your analysis. No analysis will be performed without explicit prior consent.

Step 4
Now it’s time to collect your saliva sample: we are currently working with two methods – traditionally with cotton swabs and now, since very recently, with saliva tubes. Both methods ensure qualitative and safe sampling so that your DNA can be analyzed quickly and reliably. Of course you will find exact instructions for collecting your samples in your test kit, but those of you who want to get prepared in advance can also check out the two videos below to see how our Pros are doing it! 🙂
Step 5
Now it’s time to return your sample set to our lab. The right mailing address is already printed on the back of the test-kit, so just add you senders’ address, remember to include the signed consent form as well as your saliva samples and drop the test kit off at your nearest mail office. Once your samples have arrived, our ISO-certified partner lab will immediately begin with the analysis.

Step 6
Our Austrian partner lab is now running the requested analyses on your samples. The process involves high-tech machinery as well as highly educated scientists who critically investigate your results and subsequently prepare your personal recommendations.
Step 7
Wehee – it’s time! Since your samples have arrived at the lab, roughly 2-4 weeks have passed and your results are ready! Now its time to dive right into your genetic code, read your personal report and start implementing the recommendations and action plans contained therein. Are you ready to meet the future you!? We are so excited for you! 😀 In case of any questions we are, of course, more than happy to assist in any way we can – just drop us a line or give us a quick call!

Diligent processes
Read more about the various processes and safety measures we have implemented to provide for the security of your samples and private information.
Reliable DNA tests
Every human being consists of several trillion small cells, in which DNA forms the blueprint of our body. Unlocking your genetic code thus enables you to use that very blueprint in providing for your long term health.